
Frequently Asked Questions

Section 1

Sample Question 1

Sample Answer 1

Sample Question 1

Sample Answer 2

Sample Question 3

  • Able to find the purpose in life
  • Simplifies life
  • More contentment and satisfaction towards life
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Extreme ownership
  • Complete accountability
  • Take greater responsibilities in life
  • Work more efficiently and productively
  • Reflection of one’s own abilities
  • Disciplined life
  • Progression in the achievements

Sample Question 4

Coaching generally requires a lot of openness and flexible behavior that initiates the engaging character and enable the creative part of the personality come to the surface. In the sessions one need to be ready to unlearn a few myths and dilemmas that we generally have in our minds with the help of reflections in order to de-limit our abilities and progress in life. Even the sky is not the limit nowadays

Often coaching fails to work when we:-

  • are shy to share truth or like to act introvert.
  • prevent owning ownership
  • fear change.
  • lack discipline in our daily life.

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